230 EUR
(all prices include IVA (Spanish VAT))
- 60 – 90 minute photo session
- mini individual pen-drive with
- 20 high quality cover photos with retouch in high resolution jpegs
- slide-show with your photos and music
- Personal web gallery to easily view your images for 3 months (with private access and password)
Approx. 80-90 pictures will be taken during the session, after selection:
I will give you 40-45 high resolution jpegs, from that you can choose 20 pieces that you want with beauty retouch.
aExtras (not hidden!)
- extra image with fully retouched availabla (beyond the 20 selected image)
reorder: 10 EUR/image (IVA inculded)
(The price of the packages DOES NOT include the make-up artist and the hair artist!)